
Thursday, July 8, 2021

Climate Change


This is my Climate Change work that we have been working on this term.

should kids get paid to go to school?

 Do you think kids should get paid to go to school? I agree and disagree.

Paying your kids to go to school might make them attend more often, but would they really want to be there? I’m going to tell you the reasons why I agree and disagree.

Firstly Paying your kids to go to school would encourage them to do good in class, but they would think that doing good things would lead towards rewards. paying kids to go to school would make them less focus but it could make more kids Not drop out.

Secondly, is it real? In Denmark, students in college get paid about $5,427 Krones A month! (Which is about 900$) Males get paid about $5,708 krone's a month and girls get about $5,287 krone's a month.

Lastly, Did you ever think about how we got to go to school for free? Teachers are getting paid so little just so you could learn. We are getting education for free! If we were paid, we would have education but wouldn’t need a job because you could have gotten paid. We wouldn’t need the education that we needed because we already have a free job, School!

Monday, May 10, 2021

Animal Control

 Animal Control.

last week we learn't about Animal Control.

I wasn't there but I did learn this.

  1. If you ever have a dog, micro chip it or give it a you know were it is if it gets lost.
  2. If you ever see a dog sitting alone, like outside a shop,
  3. leave it alone, don't pat it.
  4. Always ask the owner of the dog before you pat it, if you don't do this it would make the owner unhappy, and the dog may not be safe.
  5. If the owner says yes to patting their dog, always pat their chest, it would be a less chance of getting bit.
  6. If a dog  ever growls at you and starts to attack, this is what you should do,
  • if you are just leaving school or if you have a bag on you, use it, use the bag for a shield, it would give you a less chance of getting bit
  • next, you should put your legs together and start to walk backwards SLOWLY, if you walk backwards fast, the dog may think that you are playing a game and bite you.
  • as your walking backwards, you need to yell "Go Home" in a deep voice, because if you don't do it in a deep voice the dog will think that you are playing and keep on attacking you.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The Greedy Rat

The Greedy Rat

Up until this moment he had lived his life without ever been

Up until this moment he had lived his life without ever been noticed by a human. Now,

that was about to change, as he ran across the room, jumping over obstacles

into his small hole in the wall.

The small Greedy Rat had only one piece of fruit left and is now laying on the floor.

He went to look outside of his little hole, but as soon as he did CREAK! The door to his home

was breaking!

The humans were sticking their hands through the door!

The Rat ran to the back of his small house, after a small amount of time he noticed a small bit

of light shining through where the arm was trying to break in, he grabbed his fruit and ran through

the hole, it was hard considering the fruit was larger than him.

He ran as fast as he could with the fruit, jumping over the same obstacles as before, the Humans

didn't notice until after the Rat was gone.

The Humans looked around noticing all of the mess the Rat had done, the Humans were Very

very Angry, but then they saw the fruit that the Rat was holding, so they did nothing about it, But

the Rat was even more angry because he got caught for the first time! And that he didn't get any

food! So, he came back, but he didn't come back alone, he came back with his family! He planned

that they would all attack in the afternoon, so that afternoon they came and attacked!

The Humans were surprised that a whole lot of Rats have entered the kitchen! The Humans were

trying to get them all out, and the Rats were trying to get in. After a few minutes of back and forth

the Rats finally left.

The Humans were relieved. But 

the Rat was even more angry than before! 

because he couldn't find his fruit!

And that why you never steal food from the kitchen.

The End

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Camp was cancelled because of corona virus.

Instead we did some things at school.

First we had some hot chocolate and some hot chips.

The next day we went to the skate park.

Then we had a Pajama day we made forts and had popcorn and watched movies.

But it was still sad because we didn't get to go to camp.

Friday, August 7, 2020


Guess what? We have CAMP!! We have camp on the 17th of August and right now it's the 7th of August and i'm so Excited. At the camp we are going to have a movie night in the hall with half the people going there, and the other half are going to the camp fire to make smores! theres alot of fun things to do but i just dont know them all but after im done camp i can tell you more about it. What do you think we did at camp?    

Thursday, June 25, 2020

this is my art i did. The first one is Anne Frank and the second one is a burger it looks plain but it does have some colour!